I get a lot of questions from founders and managers on what customer success is and how we can use automation to help companies support their customers faster and better.

Understanding what customer success is

To summarize, customer success is an approach to building programs and processes that allows businesses to deliver exceptional customer experiences. The goal of customer success is to reduce churn, increase adoption, and drive long-term value from each and every customer. It’s a blend between sales, customer service, and marketing that helps companies create better relationships with their customers – ultimately making them happier. And who doesn’t want happy customers who advocate on your behalf?

Customer success is a very important part of your business. It’s what keeps people coming back, and it’s what allows you to grow a loyal customer base that will help your company thrive.

How does automation help in customer success?

Customer success must be a priority for every business. But how do you keep those customers happy and engaged? One approach is to make sure their journey is as frictionless as possible. With automation, your customer can get the answers they need without having to wait on hold or go through a lengthy form. In addition, this approach allows your team to focus on other initiatives that help grow your business.

Automation can also help with reducing churn and building stronger relationships with customers by letting you communicate meaningful information that’s timely, relevant and personalized to each individual customer. Helping improve the customer experience overall.

Automating Customer Success

Here are a few customer success automation strategies that can help increase the level of CS within your organization:

Greet New Customers

Generate a personalized and automated welcome email that is customized for each new customer. When a new customer signs up, they’ll receive an email that welcomes them to your company. This is a great opportunity to let new customers know what they can expect from you over the next few months and how they can get in touch with you if they have any questions or concerns. You could also include a link to an onboarding guide or a video with information about how to get started with your product or service.

Make a “New Here?” Resource Page

We all know how easy it is to get lost in a new place. That’s why I love this idea from ProBlogger, which made a “New Here?” resource page for their customers. It includes everything from a product video, to resources about becoming a better blogger.

NPS Survey Emails

You can use NPS (Net Promoter Score) surveys to get feedback from your customers. This is especially useful for measuring customer satisfaction. The most basic way to do this is with a two-question survey: “How likely are you to recommend our product or service?” and “What could we do to improve it?” The responses will give you an idea of how happy people are with what they are receiving.

Automate Customer Feedback Collection

You can automate the collection of customer feedback by using a tool like Typeform or SurveyMonkey. With these tools, it’s easy to create a survey and send it out via email. 

Check The Pulse of Your Business Daily

Your Team can get a good idea of how your business is doing by checking its pulse daily. They can do this by reading comments or reviews on social media, looking at your website analytics, and monitoring sales numbers. There are a number of tools that can be used to monitor your brand’s social media presence such as Sprout Social that monitors online mentions of your brand and responds in real time.

Measuring the impact of automation on customer success

                As in any other initiative, we need to track the impact of automation on customer success. This approach would allow us to improve the process, modify some initiatives, and incorporate new tools as part of our process. Ultimately, as mentioned above, the goal is to reduce churn and keep customers happy. So, please make sure to look at the right data!

               Utilizing automation can make a big difference in your customer success strategy. Concepts Rise can help your business develop and implement a customer success automation strategy.

Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you grow your business.